


I have not post here in a while so here we are. Hello. I have been very busy with the rehearsals and preparations for the Edinburgh 2009 shows of the Tartuffe which approach quickly. Good god as the vicar would say to the bishop, we have not much time left so quickly buy tickets. We have sold loads. I expect this is encountered by the fact that the show succeeded last year and so there are people with good praise for the coming production. the Pressure will not get to me.

I am excited to say the least and await the festivities with great anticipation. Soon we will perform to audience.

We did one tried performance to an audience. It had hi-cupps. Hopefully in Edinburgh it will be more passive.

Here is a picture of me backstage...t
You will see that my face looks a bit fat. It is not. Accompanying me is Mimi, she can-can dances. With him is Renard, a clown, he is like a brother to me but sometimes I think he annoys me, perhaps he is not so much like a brother. I have not known him that long. Standing with me also is Benoit, he is a statue alive and is texting someone, I know not whom. Behind Benoit is the apparition of Amorette, she is a bizzare little woman, I think she is either a child or midget, however, our relationship is amicable. My greatest friends from amongst the troupe are Benoit and Renard, mainly because they have our same street roots and we have a lot of culture connections - we know where it's at.

I will post again soon and await your reading eyeballs.

Bis xxxxx

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